Clumsy: It's amazing how versatile the color I'm using for Seth's hair is Selene: Hahaha. Selene: Karina's hair isn't versatile unless they're in a burning building. Clumsy: lmao Clumsy: AUGH IT BURNS MY EYES. Selene: Shut up! Her dress is pretty! Selene: THIS time, Karina is going to retain her dignity, or there will be HELL TO PAY. Clumsy: ... Selene: I swear, if you drug her again... Clumsy: ...heheheheh. Selene: Are you almost done coloring that page? Clumsy: Yeah... Clumsy: Aw, damnit Selene: o.o; what? Clumsy: All I have left to color is her dress. >.< Selene: ... Clumsy: You can tell it's Karina because her dress hurts to look at